Luke who once killed darth vader; is now the luke who milked titties

I think I speak for most people who were once fans of the star wars movies. Luke who once killed darth vader; is now the luke who milked titties. As long as mark ham-ill is on twitter; he will have his little chirping buddies. But as far as most of us are concerned: You were gone a long time ago. Go back an milk your titties; that is all you WILL EVER MEAN TO ME, and most of us who ever gave a fleeting fuck about anything you are. This is a special blog just for you. You are a beta male. You are cucked. And you are a weasel. Fuck off and die. Good bye forever you piece of shit. and take the old BASTERD with you.

Astronomy 2019 Anton Petrov Youtube Hubble Telescope

Anton Petrov Youtube The Great Attractor - Mystery of the Universe There's a Huge Empty Void Next to Our Galaxy and We Just Mapped It This Image from Hubble Telescope Is Absolutely Mind Blowing We Just Figured Out How Some Planets Become Super Puffs 25 Space Discoveries of The Last Decade That Blew  […]

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